The film opens with Dr. Anastasia Lopez, a psychiatric consultant, attempting to persuade one of her patients, Olivia, a young woman with VROP disease, not to commit suicide, which she is on the verge of doing. Olivia is introduced to a search engine named “Good Earth,” which has an uncanny resemblance to god and is intended to heal her anguish. The search engine creates its
own human network by utilizing its followers. This film depicts what this human network built by “Good Earth” is, what it’s goal is, whether a mere search engine is indeed a God, and who God is.
This is not a disorder that can strike at any time or that you can catch like a disease. This is a mental disorder that develops at birth. Because this condition is programmed into the human brain, it can grow in response to life’s natural circumstances. This disorder is the brain’s most recent update, which humans will inherit in the future. It is inevitable. We’ve progressed to the
next level of evolution. This is, after all, evolution.
“Virtual Reality Obsessive Personality Disorder.”
This disorder cannot be cured. It can only be repressed. We can only supply them with a solution if we construct an environment that suits them.
“GOOD EARTH SEARCH ENGINE” is a phantom of a God who stands in for them as a savior.
This world, this system, I believe, was created by God. And I believe that God was created by mankind.