A few words about

What We Do

Our projects

Currently, 'The Horn' and 'Zoom' were fully produced by 'zoom film studio' and several other projects, including 'Roses on Canvas' are scheduled for completion in the coming year.

Fine Vision Team, Dil Films International, Audio Lab Studio, Asian Film Publishing Services has been contacted for our previous projects. We have decided to contact several other agencies for future projects.

Coming Soon (2025)

The film revolves around an English aristocratic family in Sri Lanka during 1962-1972 after the British colonial rule.

There is a crisis of property rights in the elite families formed by a small group of Englishmen.

Sarah, the youngest member of the Wood family, intervenes in the land struggle. When Sarah was young, she was affected by her parents’ family conflicts. Sarah grew up under the care of her grandfather, Mr. Simon Wood. Sarah’s mother committed suicide when she was young. Sarah suspects it was murder. Sarah comes of age with unresolved supernatural problems that cannot be solved by the law.

Sarah loves a young man named Kenneth. But suddenly Kenneth left Sarah. Shocked by this, and Sarah had to marry her mother’s lover, Miller, who is suspected of being her mother’s murderer.

What kind of life does Sarah live with her mother’s killer in the midst of bitter marriage conflicts? Sarah is torn between marriage and love because of Kenneth’s return. Whether Sarah can win true love or not is unfolded in the movie Roses on Canvas.


Coming Soon (2024)

Ryan, suffering from Virtual Reality Obsessive Personality Disorder (VROP Disorder), experiences severe depression due to the loss of reality. A group of hackers introduces him to a new internet search engine called “Good Earth.” This search engine transcends its conventional function and operates as a revolutionary digital religion, providing a unique cultural human network for those disconnected from reality. Within this network, users can select and embody a character in the real world, blurring the lines between the digital and physical realms. Ryan, aspiring to be the saviour of this new digital religion, becomes deeply involved in “Good Earth.” However, as he delves further, he begins to question the thin line between reality and the virtual world, guided by hackers through the intricate human network.



Despite the childhood trauma, Kevin, the protagonist, returns back home; 24 years later, to the premises in which he was abandoned when his dad, Prof. Thomas who committed suicide after allegedly killing his own wife.

Surrounded with conspiracies, the protagonist’s curiosity takes him into uncovering an ancient artifact

Trying to outrun the sinister fate of an Egyptian artifact, The Horn, Kevin has to find a way to undo the psychological effects caused by it to his family and anyone else who had used the instrument. 



Naduli and Sanuli are twins and Naduli is in a relationship with Nisal. Naduli lost her life due to an accident where Sanuli was involved and in her subconscious Sanuli is having many regrets about it. Naduli’s soul could trap the psychologically weak Sanuli and started behaving with a thrust of love from Nisal.

The audience of the film Zoom twists between the reality and the effort of recovering Sanuli from the pain of losing her very own sister by the parents, a professor and Nisal.


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